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EHX Soul Food Overdrive Pedal

EHX Soul Food Overdrive Pedal

soul-foodI know what you’re gonna say before you even say it.  You’re gonna say “holy crap! this dude bought ANOTHER dirt pedal!” And my reply to that would be “yep I did”. But in my own defense I was talking about one of these for a long time and G.C. finally got some in. So it was “road trip” time again (man, that’s twice in under two weeks. Maybe there is something wrong with me). For $62 plus tax, this is a bargain that’s awfully hard to resist. So I figured why fight it. And it’s a great pedal. They say it’s a Klon clone, and it is pretty close. In fact for the price it’s close enough for me. Typical EHX build quality so it’ll be around a long time, and it’s got an understated but totally cool graphic on it. One thing I want to say up front is that I never really bought into the whole “transparent” claims by a lot of builders. To be fair, maybe those pedals do sound transparent to the builders, but it’s been my experience that every pedal puts some color on the sound. What matters for me is whether or not I like that color. Now I’m forced to rethink that opinion because I believe it actually is transparent.  That leads me to believe that I have never tried a truly “transparent” pedal before. It’s produces a really sweet low to medium gain drive, but it also produces a killer boost. The way I understand it is that it steps up the 9 volt power internally to achieve this. And it’s evident when you twist the volume knob. So it runs on 9 volts but only because I guess 18 volts would be redundant (or it would fry the pedal). What ever they did, they did it well. Sounds awesome with my Catalinbread Dirt Little Secret too. I just don’t think you could find a better deal on a new dirt box anywhere.


Dean Soltero, Dean Leslie West Signature Models (4 of them) Hamer Studio, Gibson Les Paul, Epiphone Les Paul (Korean), Ovation Celebrity, Gibson Hummingbird, Blackstar HT-1R, Jet City JCA20H, Laney Cub 12R, Orange OR-15 and a lot of dirt pedals, some store bought some homegrown.

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